Electrochemical Investigation on the Corrosion Behavior of Combined Addition of Cu and Ni to Al-Si-Mg Alloy in 0.1M NaCl Solution

The purpose of this paper is to understand the effect of 2Cu+2Ni addition on electrochemical corrosion behavior of thermal treated Al-6Si-0.5Mg alloy in 0.1M NaCl solution. The corrosion of the thermal treated samples was characterized by electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization technique consisting of linear polarization method using the fit Tafel plot and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Generally, from the linear polarization, the corrosion rate decreases at thermal treated Al-6Si-0.5Mg-2Cu-2Ni alloy (Alloy-2). The corrosion behavior of the Alloy-2 in the 0.1M NaCl solution showed better resistance than the Alloy-1. The EIS test results also showed that the changing of charge transfer resistance (Rct) is significant with the combined addition of 2Cu+2Ni to Al-6Si-0.5Mg alloy. The magnitude of the noble shift in the open circuit potential (OCP), corrosion potential (Ecorr) and pitting corrosion potential (Epit) increased with the addition of 2Cu+2Ni to Al-6Si-0.5Mg alloy. Continue reading