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About Dr. Walter Egli

Dr. W. A. Egli
Electroplating and Corrosion Department,
Centre for Paints and Coatings Development,
Scientific Research Commission of Buenos Aires,
Province (CICBA), Argentina
Email: anelpire3@cidepint.gov.ar
Phone: 0054/2227-15412879
FAX: 0054/2214-831141

About me: More than 15 years of experience in industrial R&D after obtaining my PhD in the National University of La Plata. Vast experience in Tinplating and Electro galvanizing processes. In the present, the fields of research and development in which I am involved are: cyanide free plating processes (Cu, Zn, brass and bronze), dendritic growth of metal deposits, electro co-deposition of second phases (solid or liquid) within metal coatings, effects of organic additives on metal deposition and temporary protection of metal surfaces with silane films. With my team we provide high level technical advice to companies in the plating and metal working business as well as we deal with general corrosion trouble shooting in the industry.

Please find bellow all articles from this author which were published in our journal. Lists with articles the author published in our or other journals, can be found at the following databases:

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Environmentally friendly electrolyte for the electrodeposition of Cu-Zn alloys

Environmentally friendlier and safer alternatives are required as replacement for highly toxic cyanide baths used by electroplating industries. Glutamate has proved to be an adequate complexing agent in alkaline copper and zinc plating baths due to its capability to form anionic complexes with those metal ions. Consequently, studies with a glutamate-based electrolyte for Cu-Zn alloys deposition are presented.
In this work, cathodic polarization experiments on a rotating disk electrode in both static and rotating conditions were carried out using the novel electrolyte with and without the addition of a polymeric cationic surfactant (Polyquaternium-7). The deposits were later dissolved by anodic stripping to characterize the electrochemical processes involved in the Cu-Zn-Glutamate system. Galvanostatic experiments, using flat steel electrodes as substrate, were carried out at different current densities with and without additive. These coatings were characterised by SEM, EDS and XRD.
Cu-Zn alloys with compositions between 37-83 wt.% of copper were obtained. α, β and γ phases were obtained depending on the electrolyte composition and the applied current density. Continue reading

Square Wave Pulsating Overpotential Treatment of Chromic Acid Solution

Systematic investigation of square wave pulsating overpotential (SWPO) treatment of a chromic acid solution is presented. Some preliminary potentiodynamic scans, potentiostatic deposits, potential steps and capacitance vs. potential curves were measured in order to establish the practical range of the SWPO signal parameters. The results show that properly adjusting the electrochemical parameters of the cyclic alternating potential perturbation it is possible to obtain cracked or crack free metallic chromium or chromium oxide/hydroxide mixed coatings. The different deposit morphologies were characterized through scanning electron microscopy and their chemical composition and micro hardness was measured. Some insight into the possible mechanisms of coating growth under this potential cycling treatment is given. Continue reading