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About Dr. Tony Hart

Hart Materials Limited
Wombourne, UK

Electroforming with Nickel

  • Das ist ein Test

While there are a large number of written documents on nickel as a coating, there are very few dealing with nickel electroforming. This technology is an important consumer of nickel – about 5,000 tons per year worldwide – used to manufacture a wide range of articles (it is a manufacturing process, not a coating process). It is indeed the ONLY process that can produce certain very important products that are very often used in society. Most people are not aware of the process and its importance. It is a process that is indispensable for the production of compact audio discs and digital visual discs. Since the annual production of these items is estimated at about 4.000,000,000, you can see how important it is for our lifestyle today. Another very large application is the mass production of holograms. Continue reading